During COVID-19 (and beyond), Chez Allison offers all services in her one chair salon which boasts professional grade HEPA filter system with the latest plasma technology to eradicate the smallest of airborne particles.
Keeping You Safe
Chez Allison provides safety protocols for the guest and stylist.
The Guest
- May choose to sanitizes or wash hands upon arrival.
- Is offered an optional 3 ply mask if they have forgotten theirs, or arrives at the salon from another outing.
- Is offered the use of Crocs® (in inclement weather) to keep feet warm and hair-free while in the salon.
- Receives a freshly laundered cape and towels.
The Stylist:
- Wears a mask at all times.
- Executes pre-screening protocols for each guest.
- Washes hands before and after each client.
- Stringently cleans and disinfects the salon.
- Runs professional grade HEPA system for 1 hour before opening and after closing the salon
Take a tour of the studio here.
Plasma HEPA filter system
This device is wonderfully efficient. It is an all-in-one whole spectrum purifier incorporating state of the art sandwich filter technology and, with natural Zinc mineral, it kills viruses and bacteria.
Plasma proactively seeks out and deactivates airborne pollutants such as viruses, (yes, including human coronaviruses such as SARS-CoV2 that cause COVID), bacteria, chemical vapours (VOCs), as well as common household odours caused by pets, tobacco smoke, and cooking.
Once the plasma ions come in contact with a virus, it attaches to the hydrogen coating/capsid of the virus which is then pulled away from its host. The hydrogen is a key component to the actual structure of the viral protein coat, and without it, the virus is rendered inert and can simply not infect. This technology provides an army of plasma ions out to seek and destroy anything that can put your health at risk.
Cleans three times faster than conventional air purifiers.